GSS & C-FARE 2024 Policy Communications Competition

Hello everyone,

This year, the Graduate Student Section (GSS) is partnering with the Council on Food, Agricultural & Resource Economics (C-FARE) to host the 4th Annual Policy Communications Competition. This competition provides graduate students with an opportunity to gain experience in both written and verbal policy communication. Attached, please find a copy of the Call for Participation. The deadline to submit your written policy brief is June 27, 2024. 

The competition will take place at the 2024 AAEA Annual Meeting in New Orleans.

The farm bill is a package of legislation updated by Congress every five years. As the 2018 Farm Bill expires in 2023, Congress has begun negotiating the next Bill. We identify five main topics from the USDA 2023 Budget Summary that tie into critical issues policymakers must consider when drafting the farm bill. These include:

  1. Farm Production and Conservation

  2. Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs

  3. Climate Change and Farmers

  4. Rural Development

  5. Food and Nutrition Security

We hope that you consider participating in this year's Policy Communications Competition. If you have any questions about the competition, please reach out to Roberto Koeneke ( 


Opportunities for Climate-Smart Feedstocks in Transportation Fuels
