Who We Are
C-FARE Board of Directors:
Gal Hochman
Rutgers University
Luis A. Ribera
Texas A&M
Chyi Lyi "Kathleen" Liang
Jane Kolodinsky
University of Vermont
Michael Adjemian
University of Georgia
Kimberly Morgan
University of Florida
David Zilberman
University of California, Berkley
Raymon Shange
Tuskegee University
Yoko Kusunose
University of Kentucky
Lauren Chenarides
Colorado State University
William Masters
Tufts University
David Ortega
Michigan State University
Advance the role of agricultural and applied economists in identifying and informing research and policy issues.
Significantly increase the understanding that public, policy-making, and federal program audiences have of the value of food, agricultural, resource, and applied economics information and analysis.
Maintain and increase resources and opportunities that support agricultural and applied economics research, outreach, and education
Foster opportunities that build human capital for a vibrant national workforce equipped with skills necessary for informing private and public economic decisions.
Collaboration – C-FARE advances the applied economics profession through its continuous development of effective communication pathways that connect the profession to users of food, agricultural, natural resource, and applied economics information and analysis.
Excellence – C-FARE distills authoritative economic analysis from the agricultural and applied economics profession into information that effectively communicates to its critical audiences.
Integrity – C-FARE is guided by the highest level of objectivity.
Innovation – C-FARE identifies and facilitates innovative analyses and engagement.
Relevance – C-FARE actions are timely, proactive, and responsive to critical issues in the economic and policy environment, leading to impactful public policy outcomes.