Where are the jobs in food and agriculture, and how to support students in getting into the workforce?
The barriers and challenges of recruiting and retaining students to focus on agri-food-related jobs come from different perspectives and resource limitations, especially the transition from high school to college[1].
Agricultural Commodities, Livestock, & Specialized Crop Prices: Trends and Turnarounds
Prices of commodities, livestock, and specialized crops are important as they impact the economy, food security, rural communities, and the environment. Monitoring and understanding these prices are essential for governments, businesses, and individuals involved in agriculture and for policymakers and researchers studying the economic stability of global food systems.
The Challenge of Providing Safe and Accessible Food for a Healthy Life
In late 2021, a committee appointed by the leadership of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association developed a white paper on the grand challenge to ensure that all people have safe, affordable, accessible, and acceptable food for leading a healthy and active life.
Underwater, in the Field, and in Our Homes Crops, Climate and Consumers
Climate change presents real threats to U.S. agricultural production, forest resources, and rural economies.
Food Security in the U.S. and Worldwide: What the Data Tell Us About Hunger and Policy
Food security is a fundamental human need which the U.S. has long sought to protect, using a variety of programs guided by key metrics that reflect and contribute to international measurements and global actions.
Why is Trade Freedom Important
Recently the importance of agricultural trade for the United States was discussed which accounts for over one-third of U.S. gross farm income. However, the benefits of trade freedom or having less trade barriers go well beyond a specific industry or country as seen in the graph below.