2019, Webinars Guest User 2019, Webinars Guest User

C-FARE Webinar Sept. 24, 2019 — A Growing Population: Hispanic Farmers in the Midwest

The nation’s farmland and farmers continue to decrease, but Hispanic farm operators are growing, according to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) Census of Agriculture. Missing, however, are in-depth case studies that shed light on the diversity of livelihood strategies Hispanic farmers develop in the Midwest. As the nation’s agricultural industry continues to undergo demographic changes, it is critical that Hispanic farmers connect with the resources needed to be successful.

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2019, Webinars Guest User 2019, Webinars Guest User

C-FARE Webinar Sept. 20, 2019 — Changes in the Multilateral Trading System: Impacts to U.S. Agriculture

The World Trade Organization (WTO) has been a very successful system for the governance of international trade, progressively lowering tariffs and stimulating trade growth. Despite the fact that the United States played a significant role in establishing the WTO, as well as historically driving multiple rounds of trade negotiations, its current trade policy will notably change the global agricultural trading system. Unilateral implementation of tariffs by the United States has resulted in extensive international retaliation by competitors.

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